
TELEFUNKEN Picks Sommer Cable for Diamond Series Tube Mics

Sommer Provides Versatile, Optimum Quality, Rugged Cables

South Windsor, CT, November 2016 –

TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik, headquartered in Connecticut, is shipping all of its Diamond Series large diaphragm condenser microphones with Sommer Cable especially designed in Germany for tube microphones. TELEFUNKEN offers historic recreations of classic microphones in a product line that perfectly blends vintage style and sound with the reliability of a modern-day microphone.

The Diamond Series microphones are among the finest and truest recreations available on the market today, offering meticulous reproductions of classic vintage microphones, including the ELA M 251, U47, and C12, recreated to exacting details to the originals. TELEFUNKEN’s U47 and U48 use Sommer’s SC-Square 4-Core MKII cable; all 251 and C12 iterations are using Sommer’s SC-Octave Tube cable.

TELEFUNKEN Senior Technician Ian Cluggish explains, “Our techs have really fallen in love with the Sommer cable because of its workability on the bench. Both models are very flexible and supple, and the individual conductor sheathing is super-rugged and heat-resistant. Beyond that, you can just tell from wrapping/unwrapping, and feeling the cable that it’s extremely high quality. Both the Octave and Square provide comprehensive noise and RFI suppression with the helical copper shielding and internal metallized fleece jacket. Sommer is a respected brand in the industry and they offer many cabling solutions.”

Cluggish elaborates on how the seven conductors in SC-Octave Tube cables operate with the mic: “Two conductors out of the seven have a larger gauge and higher copper strand count. These provide a lower resistance and greater current handling, critical for use in tube microphones for the filament voltage and circuit ground lines. The other five conductors are suitable for carrying B+ high voltage, remote pattern polarization voltage, audio modulation, parameter-variable directivity, and sensor measuring.” (Read more)

Regarding Sommer’s SC-Square 4-Core MKII cable, Cluggish continues, “Since our U47 is faithful to the original circuit design, there is only a single high voltage line sent from the power supply to run the entire mic circuit; in addition to the ground line, and the (+) and (-) audio lines returning from the mic. Since the mic circuit does not require as many conductors as the Octave provides, the Square is optimal really. There are only four conductors, which leaves more room for a thicker outer jacket and more robust conductors. Overall the Square is a more supple and flexible cable than any 7-pin tube mic cable on the market, yet we don’t have to sacrifice any electrical parameters of the mic performance to use it. (Read more)

Free cable samples are available from Sommer Cable America:
707.200.4020 :: http://sommercable.com/en
email: [email protected]



Sommer Cable Germany is an enterprising development and manufacturing company of innovative and unique cable, connector and electronic products for the Studio, A/V Installation, Live Sound, Broadcast, Video, Music, IT and HiFi markets, with business partners in over 50 countries. In 2015, Sommer Cable America, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sommer Cable Germany, was established in Santa Rosa, CA by CEO Martin Ucik. The new company supplies the North American markets with Sommer’s wide range of innovative and high quality products.

Live From the Lab

TELEFUNKEN provides these multitrack audio files for the sole purpose of allowing individuals an opportunity to utilize them for home studio use and for educational purposes only.

No commercial use is permitted.  Any commercial use or reuse is strictly forbidden.

By downloading any track hereunder the user agrees to properly attribute all copyrights and to display the following on any non-commercial reuse of the video and multitrack audio files as follows:

All audio files have been engineered and recorded by TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik and are presented for educational and demonstrational purposes only.

Live From the Lab

The LIVE FROM THE LAB live music video series is recorded and filmed at TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik’s facility in South Windsor, CT. Each session is tracked live exclusively with TELEFUNKEN microphones and features unique performances from a variety of local, regional, national, and international artists and ensembles.

The multitrack audio files from these sessions are available for free download via clickable links below the individual performance videos. All audio files are presented in .WAV format and were recorded at 24bit / 48KHz sample rate. They are clearly labeled in the same format with the source listed first (LEAD VOX, ACOUSTIC, PIANO), followed by the microphone used (C12, AR-51, etc) and can be downloaded and imported into your Digital Audio Workstation of choice.

For more additional content please visit livefromthelab.net