
Reseller Application Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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Business References

Open account will be provided upon approval of credit application by TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik. Please allow 30 days for processing.

If a payment made to TELEFUNKEN USA is returned due to insufficient funds, all discounts will be revoked and a $25.00 service charge will be assessed. If it becomes necessary to place an account into collection, any and all collection fees will be the responsibility of the account holder.

TELEFUNKEN USA, LLC reserves the right to re-evaluate credit status and refuse shipment and/or revoke credit approval if any open account terms are violated.

I certify that I am an authorized agent for the institution submitting this applications, and that all of the information contained herein is accurate and true.

I fully understand TELEFUNKEN's credit terms and agree to make proper payments to TELEFUNKEN USA, LLC. I understand that all merchandise purchased from TELEFUNKEN USA, LLC will be exempt from bankruptcy.

Upon approval, this dealership will remain pending for a period of 60 days unless activated with an opening order. Dealership approval is canceled for accounts that are not activated.

Live From the Lab

TELEFUNKEN provides these multitrack audio files for the sole purpose of allowing individuals an opportunity to utilize them for home studio use and for educational purposes only.

No commercial use is permitted.  Any commercial use or reuse is strictly forbidden.

By downloading any track hereunder the user agrees to properly attribute all copyrights and to display the following on any non-commercial reuse of the video and multitrack audio files as follows:

All audio files have been engineered and recorded by TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik and are presented for educational and demonstrational purposes only.

Live From the Lab

The LIVE FROM THE LAB live music video series is recorded and filmed at TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik’s facility in South Windsor, CT. Each session is tracked live exclusively with TELEFUNKEN microphones and features unique performances from a variety of local, regional, national, and international artists and ensembles.

The multitrack audio files from these sessions are available for free download via clickable links below the individual performance videos. All audio files are presented in .WAV format and were recorded at 24bit / 48KHz sample rate. They are clearly labeled in the same format with the source listed first (LEAD VOX, ACOUSTIC, PIANO), followed by the microphone used (C12, AR-51, etc) and can be downloaded and imported into your Digital Audio Workstation of choice.

For more additional content please visit livefromthelab.net