Has the connector from the base of your M80/M81 microphone become loose and separated from the mic body? Does it appear that the connector’s wiring is still intact, or does the wiring look compromised?
M80/M81 Set Screw Replacement Information
Recent production units of the M80 and M81 dynamic microphones from 2019 or later feature a captive (built-in) set screw that holds the male XLR connector in place inside the mic body.
If the XLR connector has become loose with the wiring still intact, it can be reset by following these steps:
Older production units of the M80 and M81 dynamic microphones from 2018 or earlier feature a standard set screw that holds the male XLR connector in place inside the mic handle.
If the XLR connector has become loose with the wiring still intact, it can be reset by following these steps: